Browser Interfaces

Browser traversal interfaces

interface zope.traversing.browser.interfaces.IAbsoluteURL[source]

An absolute URL.

These are typically registered as adapters or multi-adapters for objects.


Returns the URL as a unicode string.


Returns an ASCII string with all unicode characters url quoted.


Get a string representation


Returns an ASCII string with all unicode characters url quoted.


Returns a tuple like ({‘name’:name, ‘url’:url}, …)

Name is the name to display for that segment of the breadcrumbs. URL is the link for that segment of the breadcrumbs.

interface zope.traversing.browser.interfaces.IAbsoluteURLAPI[source]

The API to compute absolute URLs of objects.

Provided by zope.traversing.browser.absoluteurl

absoluteURL(ob, request)

Compute the absolute URL of an object.

This should return an ASCII string by looking up an adapter from (ob, request) to IAbsoluteURL and then calling it.