Source code for zope.traversing.interfaces

# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Interfaces to do with traversing.

from zope.interface import Attribute
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.interface import implementer
from zope.interface.interfaces import IObjectEvent
from zope.interface.interfaces import ObjectEvent

# BBB: Re-import symbols to their old location.
from zope.location.interfaces import LocationError as TraversalError
from zope.location.interfaces import IRoot as IContainmentRoot
from zope.location.interfaces import ILocationInfo as IPhysicallyLocatable

_RAISE_KEYERROR = object()

[docs]class ITraversable(Interface): """To traverse an object, this interface must be provided""" def traverse(name, furtherPath): """Get the next item on the path Should return the item corresponding to 'name' or raise :exc:`~zope.location.interfaces.LocationError` where appropriate. :param str name: an ASCII string or Unicode object. :param list furtherPath: is a list of names still to be traversed. This method is allowed to change the contents of furtherPath. """
[docs]class ITraverser(Interface): """Provide traverse features""" # XXX This is used like a utility but implemented as an adapter: The # traversal policy is only implemented once and repeated for all objects # along the path. def traverse(path, default=_RAISE_KEYERROR): """Return an object given a path. Path is either an immutable sequence of strings or a slash ('/') delimited string. If the first string in the path sequence is an empty string, or the path begins with a '/', start at the root. Otherwise the path is relative to the current context. If the object is not found, return *default* argument. """
[docs]class ITraversalAPI(Interface): """ Common API functions to ease traversal computations. This is provided by :mod:`zope.traversing.api`. """ def joinPath(path, *args): """Join the given relative paths to the given *path*. Returns a text (`unicode`) path. The path should be well-formed, and not end in a '/' unless it is the root path. It can be either a string (ascii only) or unicode. The positional arguments are relative paths to be added to the path as new path segments. The path may be absolute or relative. A segment may not start with a '/' because that would be confused with an absolute path. A segment may not end with a '/' because we do not allow '/' at the end of relative paths. A segment may consist of '.' or '..' to mean "the same place", or "the parent path" respectively. A '.' should be removed and a '..' should cause the segment to the left to be removed. ``joinPath('/', '..')`` should raise an exception. """ def getPath(obj): """Returns a string representing the physical path to the object. """ def getRoot(obj): """Returns the root of the traversal for the given object. """ def traverse(object, path, default=None, request=None): """Traverse *path* relative to the given object. :param str path: a string with path segments separated by '/'. :keyword request: Passed in when traversing from presentation code. This allows paths like "@@foo" to work. :raises zope.location.interfaces.LocationError: if *path* cannot be found .. note:: Calling `traverse` with a path argument taken from an untrusted source, such as an HTTP request form variable, is a bad idea. It could allow a maliciously constructed request to call code unexpectedly. Consider using `traverseName` instead. """ def traverseName(obj, name, default=None, traversable=None, request=None): """Traverse a single step *name* relative to the given object. *name* must be a string. '.' and '..' are treated specially, as well as names starting with '@' or '+'. Otherwise *name* will be treated as a single path segment. You can explicitly pass in an `ITraversable` as the *traversable* argument. If you do not, the given object will be adapted to `ITraversable`. *request* is passed in when traversing from presentation code. This allows paths like "@@foo" to work. :raises zope.location.interfaces.LocationError: if *path* cannot be found and *default* was not provided. """ def getName(obj): """Get the name an object was traversed via """ def getParent(obj): """Returns the container the object was traversed via. Returns `None` if the object is a containment root. :raises TypeError: if the object doesn't have enough context to get the parent. """ def getParents(obj): """ Returns a list starting with the given object's parent followed by each of its parents. :raises TypeError: if the context doesn't go all the way down to a containment root. """ def canonicalPath(path_or_object): """ Returns a canonical absolute unicode path for the path or object. Resolves segments that are '.' or '..'. :raises ValueError: if a badly formed path is given. """
[docs]class IPathAdapter(Interface): """Marker interface for adapters to be used in paths """
[docs]class IEtcNamespace(Interface): """Marker for utility registrations in the ++etc++ namespace """
[docs]class IBeforeTraverseEvent(IObjectEvent): """An event which gets sent on publication traverse""" request = Attribute("The current request")
[docs]class BeforeTraverseEvent(ObjectEvent): """ An event which gets sent on publication traverse. Default implementation of `IBeforeTraverseEvent`. """ def __init__(self, ob, request): ObjectEvent.__init__(self, ob) self.request = request